What should I do if am concerned about myself or someone I know?

Confusion or forgetfulness may not mean you, a family member or someone you know has dementia. Some treatable conditions can cause symptoms similar to dementia, for example, infections, medication side effects or depression and anxiety.

Book an appointment with your GP:
– Ask for a thorough physical, neurological and social evaluation
– Write down a list of concerns prior to your appointment and we recommend taking someone with you
– Your GP may ask a specialist to help in establishing a diagnosis
– There is no one test to show whether someone has dementia
– Dementia can only be diagnosed by excluding other possible causes of the symptoms. This is why a full medical assessment is important.

Getting a timely diagnosis will:
– Allow you to access support, treatment and advice to help you navigate your dementia journey more easily.
– Enable you to benefit from medication that may support symptoms.
– Set up a strong network of support through your referral to Dementia Auckland so we can provide information, education, resources and support to you and those around you.
– All you to organise, plan and live your life in full.

Although there is no cure for dementia, there is a lot of support available that recognises the importance of an individual’s needs, promotes wellbeing and increases independence.

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